Laura Vedenhaupt is the founder of CATS Consulting, LLC. She is the contact for schools, businesses, and entrepreneurs seeking assistance in navigating the regulatory framework to open and operate postsecondary education and training programs in the state of Missouri.
Laura worked for the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development (DHEWD) for more than 20 years. Her experience was focused on the regulation of public, independent, and proprietary higher education institutions and training providers. Her responsibilities included reviewing and advising schools and training programs on state, federal, and accreditation statutes, rules, and criteria necessary to operate legally. Laura was also key in drafting new and revising old rules related to proprietary school certification in Missouri.
She served as the State Portal Entity for the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), was a member of the Midwestern SARA (M-SARA) group and participated in the Regional Steering Committee for M-SARA. Laura also served as a member of the board of the National Association of State Administrators and Supervisor of Private Schools (NASASPS).
Laura is a proud former Marine and an active member in the local community theatre scene. She loves cats and has two fur babies, Jack Junior and Pumpkin Spice.
CaTS (Career and Trade Schools) is focused on assisting businesses, schools, and entrepreneurs in successfully achieving certification or exemption to operate legally in Missouri.
CaTS can do this because I, almost literally, wrote the book (rules) on it.
Dr. Laura Vedenhaupt
CaTS Consulting
Email: drlaura@catsconsulting.net
PO Box 53
Jefferson City, MO 65102